Badan Kerjasama Fakultas Hukum Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

CILS Conference 2022 Call for Abstract

Center for International Law Studies (Lembaga Pengkajian Hukum Internasional) of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia and the Faculty of Law Universitas Sumatera Utara Proudly Present

The 9th Center for International Law Studies (CILS) Conference 2022

This year, conference will be held online under the theme Global Resilience, Recovery and Solidarity: The Role for International Law, with sub theme:

* Decolonization, Reconciliation, and Reparation
* Interdisciplinary in international Law: Past, Present, Future
* Interactions Between International Law and National Law
* International law and economic recovery
* ‘Digital’ international law
* Contemporary politics of international law
* Sustainable development: Quo vadis?
* New Trends in Private international law
* International/Cross-Border Dispute Settlement
* Global Health Architecture (G20)
* Digital Transformation (G20)
* Sustainable Energy Transition (G20)

Selected paper will be publish by the Indonesian Journal of International Law (Scopus) and Proceeding with the Nova Publishers.

Submit your 300-350 words abstract along with 150 words short bio to before 15 August 2022.